Product information and features: The Redline Disposable Breathalyzer is the only disposable breathalyzer in the world to have achieved USA FDA (Food and Drug Administration FDA Section 510(k) Number K072953), French NF, German TUV and Standards Australia Certifications for both quality Performance and Manufacturing Standards. We have been homologated and approved for use by both the French Police and Gendarmerie and the Italian Police. Redline is the sole supplier to the Israeli Police. FDA Pre-Market Cleared # K072953 Dual Calibrated to .05% and .08% BAC The World’s No 1 Testing Breathalyzer… Over 200 Million Sold Worldwide. Competitive costs because we sell millions of testers every year Our testers are very easy to use We have a line compared to only colour changes Internationally certified Redline is the only disposable breathalyzer in the world to be quality approved and certified for accuracy by several organizations Over 25 years in development We can generate brand awareness with custom packaging Used throughout the world by Police forces, armies, government campaigns for road safety, and general public usage The product has a shelf life of 2 years Improve safety for all road user